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This book is a testimony prepared for the future; the story of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Bialystok. These pages chronicle the short life of an institution that forged the minds and hearts of some of the finest Jewish people today.

Last year we all witnessed a remarkable event: from all corners of the globe, hundreds of students and friends of the old gymnasium, defied their age, overcame a host of difficulties, and gathered in Tel-Aviv to commemorate the heritage of the institution that built their Jewish identity for life. The years colored the event with a unique perspective. There was pride, gratitude and a sense of history in the air. The former classmates were bubbling with kinship and gaiety as if they were meeting in a break between classes. I am glad I was there.

It is about a year since Yaacov Samid announced his intent to put together this book. And here we are, the vision became a reality. This immense and compelling volume is now in front of us. And what is more important: in front of our children, and grandchildren, as well as in front of future historians who would wish to explore the source of Jewish strength and endurance. This is a truly unique effort, and I applaud everyone who took part in it. Special congratulations are due to my friends Shlomo Pat and Yaacov Samid. Samid took upon himself voluntarily the formidable task of organizing, articulating, writing, editing, and inciting others to join in. Whenever so much work is invested it is clearly a labor of love, which is also evident throughout the pages of the book.

I am proud to call myself a Bialystoker. It was with a great sense of mission and consequence that I moved in to help and contribute to this project. I have always been in the front line when the call went out to help Israel. I have done my share with the industry of this fledgling country, with commerce and institutions, museums, and personal assistance. None though, with more joy and satisfaction than this one. As a passionate Zionist, I see in this effort an embodiment of the spirit we all cherish.

The Story of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Bialystok find out more!

(c) Ya`acov Samid, 2003 Contact Ya`acov Samid