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Preface - Yaacov Samid, 5
A Word From Max Ratner for the Hebrew Edition
Bialystok - The Jewish City, 9
History Of The Hebrew Gymnasium And Its Founders, 17
The Years 1919-1921 ("Bet Ha'am"; The building at,
74, Sienkiewitz Street), 27
The Year 1922 (Gymnasium permit from the Authorities;
The building at 26 Brokowa Street),33
The Year 1923 (The Magazine "Anachnu"; Visits by Bialik
and Sokolow; Lag B'Omer Celebrations), 37
The Years 1924-1925 ("The Jubilee Gazette"), 44
The Year 1926 (The First Graduate Year), 54
The Year 1927 (The building at 79, Sienkiewitz Street), 57
The Year 1928 (Tchernichovski's Visit), 60
The Year 1929 ("Kolenu" Magazine No.1), 63
The Year 1930 (Bialik's Visit; Self-Help; The JNF), 69
The Year 1931 ("Kolenu" Magazine), 75
The Year 1932 (The Gymnasium Receives State Rights), 84
The Year 1933 (The Departure of Principal Dr. Zvi Zemel;
The First National Teachers Conference), 90
The Years 1934-1935 (The Laboratories), 95
The Year 1936 (Pre-Military Training), 105
The Years 1937-1938 (Change in Gymnasium Structure), 114
The Year 1939 (The Last Graduate Year; The "Le'An" Magazine), 122
Principals of the Gymnasium and its Graduation Classes, 132
The Twentieth Anniversary Book Which Was Never Published, 135
Naomi Nof's Article, 137
Yaacov Samid's Essay, 138
Under Soviet Rule (1939-1941), 141
Description of the Period, 143
Rachel Kalisher's Article, 144
The Holocaust (1941-1943), 147
Description of the Period, 149
Hadassah Shprung's Essay, 152
Chaike Grossman's Essay, 155
Naomi Nof (Goldman), 161
Frieda Polatsek (Friedman), 162
Prof. M. Mishkinski, 163
Dr. Yeshayahu Ostridan, 164
Dr. M. Bayliss (Bialystotzki), 168
Dr. Ephraim Wapinski, 169
Yaacov Samid, 171
Chaim Shafir (Reif), 173
Dr. Baruch Kaplan, 175
Daniel Poczebutzki, 176
Alexander Ekar, 178 (Sitsh)
Gedalyahu Marmor, 179
Shlomo Patt, 180
Mordechai Szczupak, 181
Shifra Gotlieb (Atlasowitz), 182
Eliezer Avinoam, 183
Eliezer Sobotnik, 184
L. Epstein, 184
Mina Braun (Gelerstein), 185
Dina Freedman (Bramson), 186
Chava Sneh, 187
Principal Dr. Zvi Zemel, 191
Teacher Moshe Adler, 192
Teacher Dr. Shimon Dattner, 192
Teacher Franca Horowitz, 193
Teacher Pnina Berstein, 194
Mordechai Samid (Semiatitzki), 195
Professor Menachem Stern, 195
Dov Shuval, 196
Shmuel Shamir (Lapshin), 196
Mordechai Laznik, 197
Abraham Kaplanski, 198
Hillel Aldag (Oldak), 198
Yitzhak Gorfin, 199
Chaya Rothstein (Efron), 200
Description of the Reunion, 203
The Mekama of Moshe Elkoni (Olkinitzki), 203
Description of the Reunion, 207
Greetings from Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, 211
The Mekama of Zvi Bodanowski, 213
Poem by Max Ratner, 215
Dikla Golomb, 216

The Story of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Bialystok find out more!

(c) Ya`acov Samid, 2003 Contact Ya`acov Samid